Our Existence
Tshikovha Green and Climate Change Advocates Pty Ltd (www.climateadvocates.co.za)
After successfully forming Tshikovha Environmental and Communication Consulting for over 12 years, it was time for innovation that is aligned to global trends. South Africa has always been lagging in terms of implementation of Environmental laws and aligning to international treaties and environmental agreements. The time for traditional patterns of doing Environmental Studies for developments had to change to incorporated international trends that seeks to address United National Sustainable Goals, Climate Change commitments, Sustainability and technological innovation and create business model that resonate to the future. That warranted the birth of Tshikovha Green and Climate Change Advocates Pty Ltd.
Tshikovha Green and Climate Change Exist to help apply for environmental approvals for developments listed under the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 as amended, Waste Management Act, 59 of 2009, MPRDA 28 of 2002 as amended, Water Act and associated National Environmental Legislations. We acknowledge most of the companies and individuals whose projects and planned developments are listed, requires a competent advisor whose ethics and morals compliments the need to submit adequate information to the authorities. The intention is to ensure projects are approved in line with environmental impact assessment regulations and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and consider Global Grand Challenges locally